Monday, June 29, 2009

Balanced Budget Act of 1997

All related to the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, who remembers that?

A recent op-ed in the Wapo:

Chairman of Conservatives for Patients' Rights - Richard Scott:

Meaningful health care reform is needed but only achievable if it is rooted in principles that have proven to work. Any plan that does not will collapse on its own with no one group responsible. And whether it was in his remarks to the American Medical Association or in meetings with congressional leaders, President Obama -- so far -- has embraced principles that do not work.

There is no need for a "public option" to compete with private insurance plans. It will simply run insurance companies out of business and create a government-run health care monopoly. The AMA understands this, which is why it has expressed opposition to versions of a public option.

If the president wants to diminish opposition to his plans, he should focus on increasing competition by, for example, allowing consumers to purchase health insurance across state lines, from anywhere in the country, which Americans do right now when purchasing life insurance.
Well isn’t that something? “There is no need for a "public option" to compete with private insurance plans.”

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