Monday, September 22, 2008

George W. Bush has made minority home ownership a priority of his administration

George W. Bush has made minority home ownership a priority of his administration, and his efforts are paying off nicely.

« September 2005 | | November 2005 »

Home Ownership-

As Larry Elder notes, since Bush has taken office, home ownership is way up for blacks:
Half of all minority households are homeowners, an all-time high. In 2002, Bush vowed to increase minority homeownership by 5.5 million families by 2010. Bush pushed for programs on down payment assistance, and called for increased funding for housing counseling services.
While some worry themselves half to death about the impending burst of the housing bubble, others celebrate that so many Americans-- of all races-- now own their own homes. When a family owns a home, they are far more likely to act to increase the value of their home, as well as their community. This means more volunteering, more upkeep on the house itself, and more concern for neighbors. Home owners typically have a much greater stake in their communities than renters, taking more interest in the quality of schools, and contributing more to community initiatives.

Owning a home can transform a family, but it can also transform communities. George W. Bush has made minority home ownership a priority of his administration, and his efforts are paying off nicely.

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